Our Work - at a glance
We take great pride in our unique and systematic plan we have laid out to establish Srishti Bhoomi in its fullest glory. The various projects that go under the four pillars may take a couple of decades to complete. We are proud to start with envisioning it.

Veerya - Alternative and renewable energy
Srishti Bhoomi is focused on alternative resources for power generation namely Solar power,
Hydro electric generation, Wind energy and Biogas.
Vastu - Infrastructure and buildings
In order to fulfill our commitment to sustainable living we are building tiny homes, guest cottages, a Life-school and an Integrated Hospital in tune with green building codes and regulations for sustainability.

Vipinam - Forestry
A sizable portion of Srishti Bhoomi will be devoted to soil rejuvenation in accordance with governmental guidelines. We aim to nurture Miyawaki forests, woodlands, landscape, timbering,
food forests, plantations, and permaculture in a phased manner.
Krishi - Agriculture
Our community's needs are met through agriculture farms, orchards, animal farms and home gardens. In addition we appeal to the mental health of the community through ethically designed waterscapes and landscapes. We are hoping to showcase our extensive self contained
development through Farm tourism and Value-added byproducts.

SWASTHI - Waste Management
In order to enjoy clean environment, the land, agriculture, human, farm, plastic, metal, hospital and miscellaneous waste that we generate will be mindfully managed.
Our schooling system SPARK comprises of Swapnil, Soham, Gusto represents primary, secondary and high school. Our program Sayan ensures quality education for students eligible for free education. We encourage a Post School Integration either into SB or Outside SB. We are also offering Specialized Graduate and Post Graduate Courses.

KALA - Arts and Creativity
Development of creative geniuses is accomplished through a holistic approach to learning, art and creativity classes as an integral part of education for entertainment, performances and exhibitions.
KAUSHAL - Skills and talent development
We encourage development of basic Life skills through language, inner-work and enriching habits. Vocational Training Programs such as woodworking, carpentry, farming, gardening,
electrical training, auto mechanics, aspects of construction and apparel design and tailoring are a few of the skill sets that we provide to the larger community.

KAYIKAM - Sports and Games
We provide exposure to various disciplines for systematic mind-body training through swimming, gaming and sporting and nature clubs.
JANIMA - Birthing Centre
We believe birth is not a medical event but a natural life-force activity. Our philosophy enables us to offer a conducive space for birth - Natural, Water Birthing and Birthing Assistance and offer Gentle Birth Assistance Training. In tune with of offering Birthing, and are offered to expectant families to welcome the newest

AMARTYA - Palliative Care
Elder care program offers assisted living, awareness of death, afterlife and palliative assistance. Our team of doctors and life-enthusiasts are engaged in end-stage research to bring light into
the eternity of life.
AYUSHKA - Integrated Hospital
Our proposed Integrated Hospital offers Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Marma, Chiropractic treatment, as well as engaging in Research on the metaphysical causes for physical and mental illnesses.

AISHWARYA - Conscious Living
Our understanding of the nature of life, healing possibilities and the conscious creation of life comes to you through Workshops, Retreats, Spiritual Counseling and Life Coaching.
NATTUKAR - Human Resources
We are committed, dedicated and focused on our inner journeys and outer realizations. Nattukar contribute and participate joyfully toward the manifestation of Srishti Bhoomi. People are our most valuable resource that makes the unfolding of the Srishti Bhoomi dream into a reality.